[UMILES Technologies S.L.] (hereinafter, “UMILES”) is a mercantile company with registered office in Boadilla del Monte, Calle Hermanos Machado number 4 – 28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), registered in the Mercantile Register of Madrid, Volume 40081, folio 50, Page M-712125, 1st inscription.

For any further information about UMILES, please contact us by e-mail at or by telephone on 91 113 89 88, or visit our website


The purpose of this document is to regulate the General Conditions of Use (hereinafter “the portal”) owned by UMILES.

UMILES reserves the right to modify the General Conditions of Use in order to adapt them to the legal requirements applicable at any time, as well as to the technologies that are developed and the practices that are determined in the market.

These General Conditions of Use do not exclude the possibility that certain portal services, due to their particular characteristics, may be subject, in addition to the General Conditions of Use, to their own particular contracting conditions.

The use of any of the services made available to the user on the portal shall imply the express adherence and acceptance of the General Conditions of Use in force at the time of access. In the case of the Particular Conditions of Use, the provisions in force at the time of access shall also apply.


All those contents that are in the UMILES portal, including, without limit, designs, programmes, texts, images, brands, logos, applications, or any others that are object of industrial or intellectual protection, are property of UMILES, or of those third parties that have previously provided their consent through the corresponding licence contracts and are protected by the industrial and intellectual property rights.

Likewise, the names “UMILES GROUP”, “UMILES UAV”, “UMILES NEXT” are the exclusive property of UMILES and, therefore, their reproduction or exploitation by third parties without the prior consent of UMILES is expressly prohibited. In relation to any other denomination, brand, distinctive sign or commercial names that appear on the portal, whether registered or not, their exploitation or reproduction by unauthorised third parties is also prohibited.


The UMILES portal may make available to users both technical linking devices and search tools that allow the user to access other web pages.

The user acknowledges and accepts that the use of the contents of the linked websites will be at his/her own risk and exonerates the owner of the portal from any liability arising from its use.

UMILES is not responsible for any damages that may be caused by the websites linked through links, banners, or any other technical linking method.


All information that UMILES may collect through the channels, forms or data devices found on the portal will be treated confidentially, and to the extent that these data are of a personal nature, they will be treated in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, specifically, the provisions contained in the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC). UMILES will process personal data in accordance with the provisions of its Privacy Policy, ensuring that they are properly managed.

In any case, Users of the portal may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, data portability and limitation or opposition to processing by sending an e-mail to the address with the subject “Protection of personal data” indicating the reason for their request.


UMILES, as owner of the portal, does not guarantee the full availability, access, functioning and continuity of the services offered in its portal, and is not responsible for the damages that could be derived from the lack of availability, access, functioning and continuity of the services of the portal, as long as these circumstances are covered by the current legislation.

UMILES will only be liable, exclusively, for the services it provides itself and for the contents directly originated by it. This responsibility will be diluted in those cases in which there are causes of force majeure or in the cases in which the configuration of the user’s equipment is not recommended or is not suitable for the provision of the services of the portal.

UMILES will not be responsible for the damages that viruses or any other harmful computer programme may cause in the user’s equipment. It is necessary to remember that the user must have any means or tool of computer protection for accessing the portal in order to avoid this type of contingencies.


These General Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with current Spanish law. For the interpretation or execution of the provisions contained in these General Conditions of Use, UMILES and the User submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.

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