
Want to obtain STS certificates for drones?

STS certificate for drones course

Train as a drone pilot and obtain the STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 certificates to fly your drone anywhere in Europe.

    Upcoming calls

    Become a professional drone pilot with what are currently the most popular STS certificates, and find a job as a qualified professional in the drone industry. Ask for information now to sign up for the current calls before there are no places left.

    The most comprehensive STS-certified drone pilot course

    To fly a drone, you must have a minimum amount of certified training depending on the category in which it is operated. This course includes open-category training, and leads to certificates within the specific category to pilot drones in the standard scenarios STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 anywhere in Europe.

    The training method involves part-time attendance, with theoretical training being given via our online platform and lasting around 30 days, as well as one theoretical-practical day in person and one practical day where flight manoeuvres are put to the test.


    Become a certified STS drone pilot

    UMILES University offers a complete drone pilot course with STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 certificates, which is compliant with AESA regulations, the highest authority regarding drones in Spain and Europe.

    On completing this training, you will be able to work as an operational drone pilot throughout Europe, with the necessary official certificates.

    piloto de drones con certificaciones STS

    Drone applications are becoming more and more widespread, and having the certifications required to fly UAVs will give you access to an increasing number of new job opportunities.

    The approved STS drone pilot course will enable you to obtain all the certificates required by the AESA to pilot UAVs safely and legally. Thanks to this, you will be able to work professionally in different areas of application where drones are used, such as aerial filming, satellite image detection, crop inspections, and others.

    If you would like to work as a drone pilot, gives us a call on 91 113 89 88 and reserve your place now.

    Why choose UMILES University?

    UMILES University is an established drone operating company that is present in more than 12 countries worldwide. We provide great national and international support through our extensive experience in the sector. This allows us to provide an advanced course with the most demanded STS certificates today, enabling you to become an expert in the different areas of interest related with UAV flying.

    What do our students think?

    Find out what the students who have completed this STS professional drone pilot course at UMILES University think.

    Course content and organisation of the drone STS certificate course

    The personnel at UMILES have the certificates required by AESA to be able to officially train. Some of the pilots who will teach you are Pablo Delgado Algeciras, Alberto Rafols Romero, and Jesús Rafols Romero, among others.

    The theoretical part involves part-time attendance so that you can do it from home

    • On-line part: You can study whenever you like over our platform, provided you have a computer and internet connection
    • In-person part: 2 hours in person with a specialist to answer any questions you may have before the in-person practical exam.
    • Practical work: Practical work takes place at our facilities in Brunete, where we have classrooms, a private aerodrome, instructors, and certified examiners.
    • Flight Day: 3 hours of flying practice at our private aerodrome with a certified private instructor. We provide all the material.
    • Manoeuvring exam: Test given by a certified examiner, who will validate the knowledge obtained by the student.
    • Regulations
    • General flying knowledge with a UAS
    • Operational Procedures
    • Meteorology
    • UAS flight performance
    • Aviation regulations
    • Technical and operational reduction of hazards on land
    • Technical and operational reduction of hazards in the air
    • Operational procedures
    • General knowledge of the UAS
    • Human performance and limitations
    formacion sts drones

    Apply now for your place

    Take the opportunity to specialise and obtain your STS drone certificates so you can operate in Europe. You’ll have access to a wide range of jobs in industry-leading companies. Request information here on the coming dates of our STS drone pilot course. Don’t miss this opportunity!

    See all courses

    At UMILES University we are experts in Drone Courses. Below you can see our training offer:


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